662 12 years ago
Right this is the eleventh in the series and what i started out to do with these mixes is create a full set of mixes using every record in my collection only once ! The aim being that if i eventually get rid of all my stuff i will have at least have the memories of all my tunes in at least 1 mix ! Now since i have about 2000 pieces of vinyl i think its gonna take me a while and not all is old skool i have hard house , trance , hardcore , italian and happy hardcore so sooner or later the mixes are gonna change from old skool, but until then i hope you all enjoy the mix its packed to the rafters with classics as usual , i had a few technical difficulties during the last couple of tracks if your wondering what it is - it was the output lead from my mixer to my comp playing up !!!!!!!!!!!!


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Dogs Bollox again Woody !!!!!!!!!!


dogs bollocks woody nice 1
