570 5 years ago

Early 80's British Jazz Funk Vol. 3 - 96.39 mins - 320 kbps

00.00 - 01 - Hi-Tension 1981 - Objects
05.34 - 02 - Light Of The World 1980 - Something For Nothing
09.50 - 03 - Second Image 1981 - Cool Breeze
15.40 - 04 - Not James Player 1981 - Friends Again (Flute Remix)
21.14 - 05 - Spectrum 1981 - Takin' It To The Top
28.01 - 06 - Atmosfear 1982 - Magic Bullet
33.00 - 07 - Freeez 1980 - Sunset
37.30 - 08 - Second Image 1981 - The Jazzy Dancer
43.40 - 09 - Onward International 1985 - Foot In The Door
50.06 - 10 - UK Players 1980 - Rivers
56.18 - 11 - Second Image 1985 - Ovo Mexido (Egg Mix)
61.42 - 12 - Cloud 1981 - All Night Long
68.36 - 13 - The Cool Notes 1985 - Halu (Spring)
71.18 - 14 - Cloud 1983 - Rico Rico
78.20 - 15 - Stop 1980 - I Can Feel It
84.22 - 16 - Light of the World - Expansions
90.00 - 17 - Shakatak 1981 - Brazilian Dawn


1 01 HiTension 1981 Objects by 00.00
2 02 Light Of The World 1980 Something For Nothing by 05.34
3 03 Second Image 1981 Cool Breeze by 09.50
4 04 Not James Player 1981 Friends Again (Flute Remix) by 15.40
5 05 Spectrum 1981 Takin' It To The Top by 21.14
6 06 Atmosfear 1982 Magic Bullet by 28.01
7 07 Freeez 1980 Sunset by 33.00
8 08 Second Image 1981 The Jazzy Dancer by 37.30
9 09 Onward International 1985 Foot In The Door by 43.40
10 10 UK Players 1980 Rivers by 50.06
11 11 Second Image 1985 Ovo Mexido (Egg Mix) by 56.18
12 12 Cloud 1981 All Night Long by 61.42
13 13 The Cool Notes 1985 Halu (Spring) by 68.36
14 14 Cloud 1983 Rico Rico by 71.18
15 15 Stop 1980 I Can Feel It by 78.20
16 16 Light of the World Expansions by 84.22
17 17 Shakatak 1981 Brazilian Dawn by 90.00





Cheers bruno77 glad you liked it.
