275 3 years ago
I've been wanting to record a new 16 Bit Lolitas mix for ages and I have finally got round to it! I first recorded one back in 2010 using Virtual DJ and although the tracks were amazing my mixing wasn't the best. The tracks are still amazing in 2020 but I'm older and wiser now so hopefully there is marked improvement in the mixing, but you'll be the judges. 
The set is largely the same tracks but in  a different order and with a few additions and removals. It's all things 16 Bit Lolitas and 16 BL, either original tracks or remixes. It does have 1 exception, a  classic track from Ohmna which I don't think the Lolitas were involved in but they did work together on other tracks so I though it qualified for the mix.
Hope you enjoy as much as I have :)



great mx
