468 2 years ago
Welcome to the sounds of this Sunday morning, wishing you a kushty end to your weekends and offering up just an hour of audible goodies from out of the strange cargo libraries, for your consideration and listening pleasure. Plenty of the weird and wonderful in this one, managing to cram some 71 elements into the soundscape and within which, hopefully, you may find something to enjoy.  There's a heap of re-jiggled and repitched "wrong speeders" abound in this one, so if there s anything you particularly like, make a note of the timings and PM me and I'll sort you out any particular track details you may want.

** DON'T FORGET NEXT SATURDAY TIME FOR EP 11 OF OUR MUSIC KNOWS NO BOUNDARIES - Our once-a-month jaunt out of the ordinary, beyond our comfort zone and casting one eye on the dancefloor for a bit of a change via www.risingedge.uk from 21.00 - 23.00.

Also TODAY from 1pm UK time, the excellent DAVE MC has a guest mix for WE DIG DEEPER > 60 mins of back-of-the-box-delights, not to be missed, do hope you can join us?

Thanks so much for listening, back same time, same place week after next from Midnight for yet more chilled late-night tales of the unexpected for NIGHT AIR, have a lovely Sunday! :-) 



Downloading now and looking forward to catching up. Thank you!!


Nicely done

