730 9 years ago

It's the Sunday before the Monday and my body wants nothing but deep grooves. Sometimes you mix something and you just can't be a dick about it. You can't include it in any part of your professional image. You can't use it to promote yourself or sell yourself. This is one of those mixes. The type where you're not really trying but you're definitely in the mood for what you want to hear and low and behold you put together this two hour piece and it's so special because it's all you. 

It's deep, it's personal, it's for you and no one else. 

That is definitely it. Nothing else to it. It's not about taking it seriously or professionally or trying to be the opposite of all that industry nonsense and being stupid for the sake of it just for the sake of attention. This is purely about being good! Being in the mood! It's easy to make a mix of just one genre or even numerous ones that are similar but if you're going to do something simple and basic then make sure you do it well! I hope I have. I hope you enjoy the music.



Cheers for the mix fella


thanks for creating this mix!....


No thank you for listening :) I hope you enjoyed it.
