335 one year ago
Welcome to the 4th and finale [DOUBLE BUBBLE] episode concluding Octobers' mini-season focussed on cinematic themes, outstanding incidentals, and celluloid-infused sounds from all over the planet to go with your impending weekend and your planned chillout antics. Over 120+ bits and pieces from all over, across 4 hrs in all traversing genres, space, and time with feckless abandon serving a portly stiff 2 fingers to the genre police. #strangecargo doing #freestyle, #eclectic crate-digging adventures from the far side of groove and chill, each and every Fri night from 11 pm UK time until varying late times, depending on what we are up to//==??

We explore all kinds of wonderfully disparate sounds sampled from the world of music, aiming to construct the ideal late-night soundscape with which you may see in the weekend in fine fettle. Turn on, tune in and bliss out with a wee drop of the good stuff before bedtime weekly in good company @ THE SPOONFUL OF SUGAR CLUB via www.soullegendsradio.co.uk >>> Ideal for those up for some back to mine under the counter selections from way out where, beamed directly into your lounging spaces with our compliments and best wishes for a cracking weekend ahead. Please do #expecttheunexpected as normal radio this never intended to be and #anythingmayhappen.


Thanks for listening, do hope you find something to enjoy in here? More of the same [albeit completely different of course] next Fri and we will be doing a totally self-indulgent jaunt this time around, its my personal B'day weekend, and I will be doing 2hrs reimaging the soundtrack for the French cult classic film "Le Haine", this will be followed and accompanied directly by a further xxtra chilled mix imagining the after-party playlist for such a movie.

THIS WEEKS SELECTIONS: #strangecargo, #norules, #alternative, #chillout, #eclectic, #freestyle, #hammocklife

Underline No. 4 -**//||\\** - (Music De Wolfe DWLP 3451 - Underline) The Studio Group
Louisiana -**//||\\** - Percy Mayfield
Picture Box -**//||\\** - George
Shopping -**//||\\** - Giuseppe De Luca
Rythmiques No. 10 -**//||\\** - Pierre-Alain Dahan, Mat Camison
Neon Strip -**//||\\** - John Cameron
Fuerte -**//||\\** - Max Tundra
Jazz Undercurrent -**//||\\** - Sam Spence, Martha Jane Weber
Heavy Walk -**//||\\** - Eddie Warner, Nino Nardini
Magree -**//||\\** - Madrid
Xamar -**//||\\** - (Stomach Club Refix Ruff 03) Dexter Story Wondem 2016
Aretha Franklyn Blend -**//||\\** - Mos Def
Wishing On A Star (Radio Edit) -**//||\\** - Unknown Artist [white bootleg]
Wax Tailor -**//||\\** - "To Dry Up"
Blue Flowers & Lin Que -**//||\\** - Rip It Up (Beatnuts Remix Instrumental) Dr. Octagon
Spooky -**//||\\** - Do-Re-Mi Children's Chorus
SAMPLE: Naomi stalked -**//||\\** - (Fatal deleted scene)
SAMPLE: A Nightmare -**//||\\** - On Elm Street
SAMPLE: Mind Lock (1971) -**//||\\** - THX 1138 Movie CLIP
Breathing Effect -**//||\\** - "Driftwood Dialogue"
SAMPLE: Reverend Kane (1986) -**//||\\** - Poltergeist 2
SAMPLE: the water margin -**//||\\** - Original TV intro
Main Title Dominic Frontiere -**//||\\** - On Any Sunday (Original Soundtrack Recording) 1971
Danza Magica -**//||\\** - Piero Umiliani
SAMPLE: The Wicker Man -**//||\\** - Gently Johnny
SAMPLE: World on a Wire trailer -**//||\\** - (extended version)
Dubble (Organ Swell) -**//||\\** - Funki Porcini Xen Cuts 2000
SAMPLE: Brassic -**//||\\** - Would anybody like a disco biscuit?
SAMPLE: hIPPY lAND -**//||\\** - Far Out Man 1990
Almighty Beatfreakz -**//||\\** - Leone EP Leone
Second Sight -**//||\\** - 9th Cloud
SAMPLE: Scene from -**//||\\** - Jailbait Babysitter (1977)
Get Rhythm In Your Feet (And Music In Your Soul) -**//||\\** - (Will Osborne, vocal) 1935
SAMPLE: GBI: German Bold Italic -**//||\\** - Kylie Minogue / Towa Tei
The Carpenters -**//||\\** - Sing, Sing a Song
Norwegian Wood / Demo (1965) The Beatles
Be Careful! -**//||\\** - Subject
Rimini -**//||\\** - Dina Summer Rimini 2022
Freedom -**//||\\** - (Bootleg) Martin Klaus Remix Django unchained
SAMPLE: Meet King Joe | 1949 -**//||\\** - Cold War Era American Propaganda Cartoon
ECSTASY (Japan, 1985) -**//||\\** - Unknown Artist
SAMPLE: The Party | The Young Ones -**//||\\** - BBC Studios
Unit 3 [Ai Records] -**//||\\** - Crel
SAMPLE: NIL BY MOUTH -**//||\\** - 1997
Eyes -**//||\\** - Coldreams
SAMPLE: 1984 Mixing in film 'Beat Street' -**//||\\** - Early Scratching & Sampling..
Space Rock Rockets
SAMPLE: " I don't give a fuck about your War or your President" -**//||\\** - Snake Plissken
He's A Dream -**//||\\** - DJ Dmoll Deepdish Remix Flashdance
E.S.T. -**//||\\** - White Lies To Lose My Life ... 2009
The Next World -**//||\\** - Albion Venables
SAMPLE: Yardie -**//||\\** - Directed by Idris Elba
12 O'Clock Drop -**//||\\** - Asend
Space March -**//||\\** - Leftfield
Hyperspace -**//||\\** - Rocket Science
SAMPLE: Puff the Magic Dragon -**//||\\** - (2000) Meet the Parents
Spaghetti -**//||\\** - Ror-Shak
SAMPLE: What's Wrong? -**//||\\** - (1971) THX 1138
Harte 10 -**//||\\** - Happy New Year
SAMPLE: Semi Pro | Classic Poker Scene -**//||\\** - Jive Turkey
Bump Into Somebody (Instrumental 12') -**//||\\** - Don
SAMPLE: Yardie Trailer #1 (2018) | -**//||\\** - Indie UK
Medusa [LIVITY050] -**//||\\** - Hodge & Simo Cell
Flava In Ya Ear (Remix) -**//||\\** - Craig Mack
Road To The Riches -**//||\\** - Kool G Rap & DJ Polo
The Confession (1971) -**//||\\** - THX 1138
Ain't No Half-Steppin' -**//||\\** - Big Daddy Kane Long Live The Kane 1988
Verhaal Over Kludde -**//||\\** - Alain Pierre
SAMPLE: The Young Ones - -**//||\\** - BBC South African Lentils
Raquel Welch: -**//||\\** - Space-Girl Dance
Mistira Milpatte -**//||\\** - Serge Bulot
Bridging the Gap SAMPLE: ft. Olu Dara -**//||\\** - Nas
Harp A Go Go -**//||\\** - David Snell
Baseball Furies Chase -**//||\\** - (From "The Warriors" Soundtrack) Barry De Vorzon
Drumorama 1 -**//||\\** - Sammy Burdson
Get Carter -**//||\\** - - Main Theme (Carter Takes a Train) Roy Budd
'Natch' -**//||\\** - Ample Play Records Cornershop ft Bubbley Kaur
Je ne veux pas rentrer chez moi seule -**//||\\** - - 1983 Regrets
Small Deal -**//||\\** - Offside
Dreamy Time Escorts. -**//||\\** - Another Old English Pub. Mr Jolly Lives Next Door
Madea -**//||\\** - Tenesha The Wordsmith Peacocks & Other Savage Beasts 2019
Tour De France -**//||\\** - Kraftwerk
SAMPLE: Withnail & I -**//||\\** - Tearoom
Jean Arnulf -**//||\\** - Rondin picotin
Catástrofe N° 17 -**//||\\** - Le Mans
Sunny Days -**//||\\** - A Toys Orchestra
Bounden Duty -**//||\\** - Jean-Luc De Tiviera, Michaël Larcanche
You Got Played, Little Girl -**//||\\** - East River Pipe
Light And Day -**//||\\** - The Polyphonic Spree
Continente Nero N.1 -**//||\\** - Lilio Narduzzi
I-94 -**//||\\** - 1968 Jimmy Crabtree
Last Pop Tango -**//||\\** - David Perian, Alberto Baldan Bembo
Stone Song -**//||\\** - (Radio Canada International - LM 409) Ian McDougall
Reggae Boys -**//||\\** - What you gonna do
Exploration -**//||\\** - The Karminsky experience inc. The Power of Suggestion 2003
Shere Khan -**//||\\** - Nino Nardini
CAVRIL PAYNE -**//||\\** - Lovin' Train - 1972 Ruval DISCO 45t
Pathfinder -**//||\\** - Teddy and the Rough Riders
SAMPLE: Supply Chain Concerns -**//||\\** - Impacting Needs Of Community Food Bank Of New Jersey
Winston "Delano" Stewart -**//||\\** - Dance With Me
Iniks -**//||\\** - Field Works Cedars 2021
Zurich Sunday -**//||\\** - Keiron Phelan & David Sheppard
Temple -**//||\\** - Jean du Voyage Mantra 2016
Hola (Intro) -**//||\\** - CHANCHA VIA CIRCUITO Amansara 2014
SAMPLE: Bad Gay Porn Acting -**//||\\** - Dialogue 2
The world is a ghetto feat. rqm -**//||\\** - Tolcha
Aluora Rising -**//||\\** - Tetris Worlds Music
Percussion -**//||\\** - Resonance IX Alexandre Bazin
After Darkness -**//||\\** - Peyotoff After Darkness 2022
Traction -**//||\\** - (Rouge - RMSLP 119 - Pulses) Astral Sounds
Redrum -**//||\\** - Alaska y Los Pegamoides
Perfect Match -**//||\\** - Lauren Ritter, Tenesha The Wordsmith Particles of Sound 2022
Babilonia -**//||\\** - Piero Umiliani
Chase Side -**//||\\** - Vic Flick
Bubblegum -**//||\\** - Anne Dudley
SAMPLE: Tales of the Valley of the Wind -**//||\\** - teaser trailer (2009)
Lonely man - 1971 Goldwax -**//||\\** - SPENCER WIGGINS
Reflections -**//||\\** - Ann Annie Atmospheres, Vol. 2 2018
Bakanawe (Netherlands, 1982) -**//||\\** - KKÉ
Malizia N° 2 -**//||\\** - Fred Bongusto


1 **//||\\** (Music De Wolfe DWLP 3451 Underline) The Studio Group by Underline No. 4
2 **//||\\** Percy Mayfield by Louisiana
3 **//||\\** George by Picture Box
4 **//||\\** Giuseppe De Luca by Shopping
5 **//||\\** PierreAlain Dahan, Mat Camison by Rythmiques No. 10
6 **//||\\** John Cameron by Neon Strip
7 **//||\\** Max Tundra by Fuerte
8 **//||\\** Sam Spence, Martha Jane Weber by Jazz Undercurrent
9 **//||\\** Eddie Warner, Nino Nardini by Heavy Walk
10 **//||\\** Madrid by Magree
11 **//||\\** (Stomach Club Refix Ruff 03) Dexter Story Wondem 2016 by Xamar
12 **//||\\** Mos Def by Aretha Franklyn Blend
13 **//||\\** Unknown Artist [white bootleg] by Wishing On A Star (Radio Edit)
14 **//||\\** "To Dry Up" by Wax Tailor
15 **//||\\** Rip It Up (Beatnuts Remix Instrumental) Dr. Octagon by Blue Flowers & Lin Que
16 **//||\\** DoReMi Children's Chorus by Spooky
17 **//||\\** (Fatal deleted scene) by SAMPLE: Naomi stalked
18 **//||\\** On Elm Street by SAMPLE: A Nightmare
19 **//||\\** THX 1138 Movie CLIP by SAMPLE: Mind Lock (1971)
20 **//||\\** "Driftwood Dialogue" by Breathing Effect
21 **//||\\** Poltergeist 2 by SAMPLE: Reverend Kane (1986)
22 **//||\\** Original TV intro by SAMPLE: the water margin
23 **//||\\** On Any Sunday (Original Soundtrack Recording) 1971 by Main Title Dominic Frontiere
24 **//||\\** Piero Umiliani by Danza Magica
25 **//||\\** Gently Johnny by SAMPLE: The Wicker Man
26 **//||\\** (extended version) by SAMPLE: World on a Wire trailer
27 **//||\\** Funki Porcini Xen Cuts 2000 by Dubble (Organ Swell)
28 **//||\\** Would anybody like a disco biscuit? by SAMPLE: Brassic
29 **//||\\** Far Out Man 1990 by SAMPLE: hIPPY lAND
30 **//||\\** Leone EP Leone by Almighty Beatfreakz
31 **//||\\** 9th Cloud by Second Sight
32 **//||\\** Jailbait Babysitter (1977) by SAMPLE: Scene from
33 **//||\\** (Will Osborne, vocal) 1935 by Get Rhythm In Your Feet (And Music In Your Soul)
34 **//||\\** Kylie Minogue / Towa Tei by SAMPLE: GBI: German Bold Italic
35 **//||\\** Sing, Sing a Song by The Carpenters
36 The Beatles by Norwegian Wood / Demo (1965)
37 **//||\\** Subject by Be Careful!
38 **//||\\** Dina Summer Rimini 2022 by Rimini
39 **//||\\** (Bootleg) Martin Klaus Remix Django unchained by Freedom
40 **//||\\** Cold War Era American Propaganda Cartoon by SAMPLE: Meet King Joe | 1949
41 **//||\\** Unknown Artist by ECSTASY (Japan, 1985)
42 **//||\\** BBC Studios by SAMPLE: The Party | The Young Ones
43 **//||\\** Crel by Unit 3 [Ai Records]
44 **//||\\** 1997 by SAMPLE: NIL BY MOUTH
45 **//||\\** Coldreams by Eyes
46 **//||\\** Early Scratching & Sampling.. by SAMPLE: 1984 Mixing in film 'Beat Street'
47 Rockets by Space Rock
48 **//||\\** Snake Plissken by SAMPLE: " I don't give a fuck about your War or your President"
49 **//||\\** DJ Dmoll Deepdish Remix Flashdance by He's A Dream
50 **//||\\** White Lies To Lose My Life ... 2009 by E.S.T.
51 **//||\\** Albion Venables by The Next World
52 **//||\\** Directed by Idris Elba by SAMPLE: Yardie
53 **//||\\** Asend by O'Clock Drop
54 **//||\\** Leftfield by Space March
55 **//||\\** Rocket Science by Hyperspace
56 **//||\\** (2000) Meet the Parents by SAMPLE: Puff the Magic Dragon
57 **//||\\** RorShak by Spaghetti
58 **//||\\** (1971) THX 1138 by SAMPLE: What's Wrong?
59 **//||\\** Happy New Year by Harte 10
60 **//||\\** Jive Turkey by SAMPLE: Semi Pro | Classic Poker Scene
61 **//||\\** Don by Bump Into Somebody (Instrumental 12')
62 **//||\\** Indie UK by SAMPLE: Yardie Trailer #1 (2018) |
63 **//||\\** Hodge & Simo Cell by Medusa [LIVITY050]
64 **//||\\** Craig Mack by Flava In Ya Ear (Remix)
65 **//||\\** Kool G Rap & DJ Polo by Road To The Riches
66 **//||\\** THX 1138 by The Confession (1971)
67 Steppin' **//||\\** Big Daddy Kane Long Live The Kane 1988 by Ain't No Half
68 **//||\\** Alain Pierre by Verhaal Over Kludde
69 **//||\\** BBC South African Lentils by SAMPLE: The Young Ones
70 **//||\\** SpaceGirl Dance by Raquel Welch:
71 **//||\\** Serge Bulot by Mistira Milpatte
72 **//||\\** Nas by Bridging the Gap SAMPLE: ft. Olu Dara
73 **//||\\** David Snell by Harp A Go Go
74 **//||\\** (From "The Warriors" Soundtrack) Barry De Vorzon by Baseball Furies Chase
75 **//||\\** Sammy Burdson by Drumorama 1
76 **//||\\** Main Theme (Carter Takes a Train) Roy Budd by Get Carter
77 **//||\\** Ample Play Records Cornershop ft Bubbley Kaur by 'Natch'
78 **//||\\** 1983 Regrets by Je ne veux pas rentrer chez moi seule
79 **//||\\** Offside by Small Deal
80 **//||\\** Another Old English Pub. Mr Jolly Lives Next Door by Dreamy Time Escorts.
81 **//||\\** Tenesha The Wordsmith Peacocks & Other Savage Beasts 2019 by Madea
82 **//||\\** Kraftwerk by Tour De France
83 **//||\\** Tearoom by SAMPLE: Withnail & I
84 **//||\\** Rondin picotin by Jean Arnulf
85 **//||\\** Le Mans by Catástrofe N° 17
86 **//||\\** A Toys Orchestra by Sunny Days
87 **//||\\** JeanLuc De Tiviera, Michaël Larcanche by Bounden Duty
88 **//||\\** East River Pipe by You Got Played, Little Girl
89 **//||\\** The Polyphonic Spree by Light And Day
90 **//||\\** Lilio Narduzzi by Continente Nero N.1
91 94 **//||\\** 1968 Jimmy Crabtree by I
92 **//||\\** David Perian, Alberto Baldan Bembo by Last Pop Tango
93 **//||\\** (Radio Canada International LM 409) Ian McDougall by Stone Song
94 **//||\\** What you gonna do by Reggae Boys
95 **//||\\** The Karminsky experience inc. The Power of Suggestion 2003 by Exploration
96 **//||\\** Nino Nardini by Shere Khan
97 **//||\\** Lovin' Train 1972 Ruval DISCO 45t by CAVRIL PAYNE
98 **//||\\** Teddy and the Rough Riders by Pathfinder
99 **//||\\** Impacting Needs Of Community Food Bank Of New Jersey by SAMPLE: Supply Chain Concerns
100 **//||\\** Dance With Me by Winston "Delano" Stewart
101 **//||\\** Field Works Cedars 2021 by Iniks
102 **//||\\** Keiron Phelan & David Sheppard by Zurich Sunday
103 **//||\\** Jean du Voyage Mantra 2016 by Temple
104 **//||\\** CHANCHA VIA CIRCUITO Amansara 2014 by Hola (Intro)
105 **//||\\** Dialogue 2 by SAMPLE: Bad Gay Porn Acting
106 **//||\\** Tolcha by The world is a ghetto feat. rqm
107 **//||\\** Tetris Worlds Music by Aluora Rising
108 **//||\\** Resonance IX Alexandre Bazin by Percussion
109 **//||\\** Peyotoff After Darkness 2022 by After Darkness
110 **//||\\** (Rouge RMSLP 119 Pulses) Astral Sounds by Traction
111 **//||\\** Alaska y Los Pegamoides by Redrum
112 **//||\\** Lauren Ritter, Tenesha The Wordsmith Particles of Sound 2022 by Perfect Match
113 **//||\\** Piero Umiliani by Babilonia
114 **//||\\** Vic Flick by Chase Side
115 **//||\\** Anne Dudley by Bubblegum
116 **//||\\** teaser trailer (2009) by SAMPLE: Tales of the Valley of the Wind
117 1971 Goldwax **//||\\** SPENCER WIGGINS by Lonely man
118 **//||\\** Ann Annie Atmospheres, Vol. 2 2018 by Reflections
119 **//||\\** KKÉ by Bakanawe (Netherlands, 1982)
120 **//||\\** Fred Bongusto by Malizia N° 2


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