355 4 years ago

I recently stumbled on a thread on the Bad Company fanclub message board, Dogs On Acid, that the long time jungle DJ from
Philly, Karl K, suffered two strokes.  With that said, I wanted to put up this mixtape on my channel here to hopefully cheer
up Karl and bring cheer to anyone else who is also a fan of his.  I'm betting Karl doesn't even have a copy of this mix.

I remember hearing him play at the Freight Yard club in Allentown in
either 1995 or 1996.  I'm pretty sure it was at the party called Gemini.  Unfortunatly my rave flyer collection is in the attic
so I can't easily check to be sure.  I just remember being one of only 6 jungle fans dancing around in the cold basement of the
club.  Jungle music wasn't respected very well in the USA at all during the rave era so we always had to listen to crummy sound
systems in rooms the size of a closet with crummy lighting.  The place was lit only with black lights and two very underpowered
Martin 805 scanners which were running in sound active mode.  The lights were boring but the music was good.  I only remember
Karl K and Dieselboy playing down there.  I may have also seen Karl play at the Philly mega rave called "IT" but I can only
remember for sure that Damian Dieselboy Higgans was there because he was making fun of me for something I posted on
NE-Raves mailing list.

I got this Karl K mix as a cassette tape from a girl on NE-Raves in 1995.  I was one of the few "net ravers" who was known to be
into jungle so this girl whom I never met wanted to send this to me for the sake of it (stupid me I didn't ask her out but thats
besides the point).  She told me she recorded this set off the radio and that the quality wasn't going to be great.  I have
no idea what the radio station was, I'm assuming it was a college radio show as that was the only type of station that would
ever play jungle.  I know the first time I ever heard of Bad Company the dnb group was from a radio show out of Princeton NJ.

I have very little knowledge about this era of jungle.  I was just really into the 1991-1993 era and some 1994.  This is it's
short lived "hard step" phase which I now look back upon and really like.  I actually purchesed a few of these records
because of this Karl K mixtape.

Incomplete Tracklist (If you know these please help ID)

Side B:

07). Rollerz Instinct "Midtown Method" https://www.discogs.com/Rollers-Instinct-Haze-Midtown-Method/release/13192212
08). Unknown Artist "???????" - "Its a new life, its a new day, its a new life for me yeah yeah yeah..."  Great tune whatever it is
09). Unknown Artist "???????" - samples: "A lotta believers out there" - flava flav sample "Clear the air and let you know
what time of day it really is" - KRS1 sample  No idea what this is.. they all sound like L Double to me.
10). Krust "Maintain" https://www.discogs.com/DJ-Krust-Guess-Maintain/release/5575 bought this on repress because of this mix here
11). Unknown "Firing Line" I know this is called Firing Line but I can't remember who did it....
++). "Yes yes all massive and crew rinsing out on KDU a Thursday Night with Karl K, a wrecking shot listen" - Radio MC
12). Roni Size "Set Speed" https://www.discogs.com/DJ-Krust-Poison-Set-Speed/master/8174
13). Unknown Artist "??????" I know I knew this at one time and I have it in my discogs want list but I forgot what it was. 
This track is memorable as it samples the intro music in the movie "A Few Dollars More".  Ok just checked the want list, its not
I'm going to have to pester the internet for a track ID all over again with this one...
++). "Yo whats up this is Karl K chilling on a radio station you know... Doing my best, trying my best to hook it up.
But for all those junglist out there (mumbled: hope your digging it) were going to bring this one back from the top because.......
seems to be coming out of one needle, one side you know. Allright well big up to all the philly crew, rastafeda(?), and all the
rest of the people listening at the house, your going to love this" - Karl K Danner
Dr S Gachet "Remember The Roller" https://www.discogs.com/Dr-S-Gachet-Remember-The-Roller-Touch-My-Toes-95-Mix/release/63806
------Next radio show starts-------
Unknown Artist "??????" - Psy rock.... "listen to the fish"


Del Mclean
Del Mclean

Wicked tunes
