1267 9 years ago

More Abstract summer madness...

Here's our latest offering; a heady accumulation of disco reworks, dubs and edits. 

This is the second installment of our on-going summer series - each mix is better than the last, independent of the order you listen to them in! 

As per usual, every track's a winner, but if you haven't had the chance, please take a moment to catch: eddie kendricks ' "he's a friend", previous tune-of-the-week: 78 edits' "let me down easy", blunted funk project's "get next to me", get down edits' "if you want me to stay", deep n disco's "feel the rhythm" and mercury's - "1994". 

Our thanks again to Mr Kenzo for his amazing work in tracking down some of these splendid tunes. 


Any feedback would be much appreciated.


1 leaving you by weepers choice
2 get some by disco tech
3 nothing in this world by jay ru
4 love on dub by manuel sahagun
5 down baby by b-jam
6 I'll never change by ltj
7 let me down easy by 78 edits
8 original jam by beatconductor
9 groove on by dj steef
10 feel the beat by johnny adams
11 get lifted by disco tech
12 all this love I have by young pulse
13 the same love by get down edits
14 booty xpress by capitan futuro
15 he's a friend by eddie kendricks
16 get next to me by blunted funk project
17 call my name by joe bataan
18 lucinda by wright bettys
19 if you want me to stay by get down edits
20 in your soul by beaten space probe
21 feel the rhythm by deep n disco
22 holding on by ltj experience
23 1994 by mercury


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