1160 9 years ago
My 44th mix, Akratic, from 2011, some brutally dark and hard beats!


1 Warning by Turtle
2 Guardian by Mumblez + Switch Technique
3 Attack the Beautiful by Forbidden Society
4 Void of Life by Dead Phantoms
5 Fearing Fear by Centaspike
6 This World by Current Value
7 Bring Out Ya Gunz by Skitty
8 Drakon by Mark Tailor
9 Papaverum by Horus
10 Frod by Ruin
11 Boogie Droid by Dextems
12 Third Eye by Nphonix
13 The Spell by Current Value feat. Snow
14 Dementor by Diverge + Brainwash
15 New Order by Laarge
16 The Cleansing Fire by Technical Itch
17 Headslide by Flame
18 Depot by Pylon + Soccom
19 Red Star by Gancher + Ruin
20 Crowd Surfer by Cooh + Counterstrike
21 Love Your Robots by The Dying Punks
22 Pinky and his Brain by Effect
23 Running by Current Value
24 Infection by Mystification
25 Once Bitten Twice Shy by DVK + Cooh
26 Head Stomp by Harm + Cooh + Diode
27 Vengeance by Peter Kurten



Love the tunes!
